How to keep an action log

  1. 1.Get a notebook.

  2. 2.At the start of each class, write the date and your English Target (%).

  3. 3.When you know your conversation partners, write their names.

  4. 4.After each class, estimate how much English you really Used (%).

  5. 5.Also, list the activities that you Did.

  6. 6.Then, evaluate each activity by writing “1” (lowest) to “6” (highest) under the headings: Interesting, Useful, and Challenging.

  7. NOTE: The best score for Interesting and Useful is “6.” The best for Challenging is “4.”

  8. 7.After evaluating each activity, write some comments about the class. Your comments can help your teacher improve the class. If there is anything you think your teacher should know, write it!

  9. Here is an example page from a student’s action log:

For more about action logging, see: Murphey, T. (1993). Why don’t teachers learn what learners learn? Taking the guesswork out with Action Logging. English Teaching Forum Jan. pp.6-10.