Communication Skills 1
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The Communication Skills courses introduce basic elements of human communication and related skills by exploring common topics in the field of Communication Studies. From a variety of activities, including short lectures, communication tasks, group discussions, audio and video recordings, and short presentations, you explore communication skills in 4 sections: (1) vocal, (2) nonvocal, (3) material, and (4) multimodal. It requires about 3 hours per week to complete assignments, including an hour each for readings/preparation, transcriptions, and analyses.
In Communication Skills 1, you collaborate in various activities to understand and apply the concepts and skills presented to each of the three aspects of effective communication. After preparing assignments following a “flipped learning” approach, you work in pairs or small groups to actively apply what you learned in experiential projects. These projects include brainstorming, practice, video recording, transcription, analysis, and sharing.
1.ComSki file
2.Flash memory (16GB+)
3.Computer access (computer room schedules)
4.NUFS Moodle
5.Print materials will be provided by the instructor.
1. Understand the aspects of effective communication; 2. Build communication skills related to each aspect; 3. Improve interactional language study, analysis, and presentation skills;
4. Learn to teach and learn from others
GRADING: A+ (90~100), A (80~89), B (70~79), C (60~69), D (~59), F (1/3+ absences)
1. Preparation and effort: 20 points
2. Experiential project recordings (4 x 10): 40 points
3. Experiential project transcriptions and analyses (4 x 10): 40 points
Date & Assignments:
1. Syllabus, Intros, Video intro (3x), Basic transcription - HW: Basic trans, pre-assessment
2. Pre-assessment, Intro to detailed transcription - HW: Detailed transcription
3. Sharing detailed trans, Video data 1 (vocal, 3x) - HW: Excerpt selection and basic trans
4. Intro to excerpt detailed trans, analysis, & sharing - HW: Excerpt analysis 1 (vocal)
5. Sharing session 1 (vocal, 3x) - HW: Revised excerpt analysis 1 (vocal)
6. Video data 2 (nonvocal, 3x) - HW: Excerpt selection and basic trans
7. Excerpt detailed trans, analysis, & sharing - HW: Excerpt analysis 2 (nonvocal)
8. Sharing session 2 (nonvocal, 3x) - HW: Revised excerpt analysis 2 (nonvocal)
9. Video data 3 (material, 3x) - HW: Excerpt selection and basic trans
10. Excerpt detailed trans, analysis, & sharing - HW: Excerpt analysis 3 (material)
11. Sharing session 3 (material, 3x) - HW: Revised excerpt analysis 3 (material)
12. Video data 4 (multimodal, 3x) - HW: Excerpt selection and basic trans
13. Excerpt detailed trans, analysis, & sharing - HW: Excerpt analysis 4 (multimodal)
14. Sharing session 4 (multi, 3x) - HW: Revised excerpt analysis 4 (multi), final self-eval
15. Post-assessment, Submit final self-evaluation