Topics in Academic Reading 2: Special Seminar 2


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The Communication Skills seminars introduce you to the basic elements of communication and related skills by exploring common topics in the field of Communication Studies. From lectures, textbook readings, communicative activities, group discussions, recordings and analyses, and short presentations, you will explore: (1) Real listening, (2) Self-disclosure, (3) Expressing, (4) Body language, (5) Paralanguage & metamessages, (6) Assertiveness, (7) Making contact, and (8) Digital communication. It will require about 3 hours per week to complete assignments, including an hour each for chapter readings/preparation, transcriptions, and analyses.

In the third semester of the Communications Studies special seminar, lecture topics include Paralanguage & metamessages and Assertiveness. After each section, seminar members apply the concepts in videoing, analyzing, sharing, and discussing related conversations.



    1. 1.Seminar file

    2. 2.Flash memory (8GB+)

    3. 3.Special Seminar links

    4. 4.Computer access (computer room schedules)

    5. 5.Moodle

    6. 6.Messages: The Communication Skills Book, by McKay, Davis, and Fanning


  1. 1. Understand the elements of effective communication   2. Develop basic communication skills

  2. 3. Increase English ability   4. Improve basic study, analysis, and presentation skills

  3. 5. Learn to learn from others

GRADING & ASSIGNMENTS: A+ (90~100), A (80~89), B (70~79), C (60~69), D (~59), F (1/3+ absences)

    1. 1. Participation & effort: 25 points,  2. Preparation & assignments: 25 points

    2. 2. Understanding of content: 25 points,  4. Projects: 25 points

    Date & Assignments (transcription practice): 

  1. 1.                      Re-intros, Seminar files, Syllabus, Textbook. HW: Unit 5, section 1, reading & assignments

  2. 2.                      5. Intro to paralanguage & metamessages. Trans practice. HW: Unit 5, section 2, reading, etc.

  3. 3.                      5. Paralanguage & metamessages (changing). HW: Unit 5, section 3, reading & assignments

  4. 4.                      5. Paralanguage & metamessages (coping). HW: Preparing for para & metamessage language video

  5. 5.                      5. Paralanguage & metamessages (video). Preparing for paralanguage & metamessage transcription

  6. 6.                      5. Para & meta (transcription & analysis). HW: Clarifying language video analysis

  7. 7.                      5. Para & meta (sharing results & discussion, part 1). HW: Clarifying language video analysis

  8. 8.                      5. Para & meta (sharing results & discussion, part 2). HW: Unit 9, section 1, reading & assignments

  9. 9.                      6. Intro to assertiveness (three communication styles). HW: Unit 9, section 2, reading, etc.

  10. 10.                      6. Assertiveness (combining expression and listening). HW: Unit 9, section 3, reading and assignments

  11. 11.                      6. Assertiveness (video). HW. Preparing for assertiveness transcription

  12. 12.                      6. Assertiveness (trans & analysis). HW: Finishing assertiveness video analysis

  13. 13.                      6. Assertiveness (sharing & discussion, part 1).

  14. 14.                      6. Assertiveness (sharing & discussion, part 2). HW: Self-evaluation

  15. 15.                      6. Participating in senior seminar members’ final presentations

