Graduation project 2: Special Seminar 4
Graduation project 2: Special Seminar 4
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The Communication Skills seminars introduce you to the basic elements of communication and related skills by exploring common topics in the field of Communication Studies. From lectures, textbook readings, communicative activities, group discussions, recordings and analyses, and short presentations, you will explore: (1) Real listening, (2) Self-disclosure, (3) Expressing, (4) Body language, (5) Paralanguage & metamessages, (6) Assertiveness, (7) Making contact, and (8) Digital communication. It will require about 3 hours per week to complete assignments.
The final semester of the Communications Studies special seminar focuses on Reporting on communication skills as part of the senior portfolio graduation project. Seminar members first organize the skills and concepts learned in the seminar in graduation report. The seminar concludes with a presentation (20+10) based on their report.
1.Seminar file
4.Computer access (computer room schedules)
6.Messages: The Communication Skills Book, by McKay, Davis, and Fanning
1. Understand the elements of effective communication; 2. Develop basic communication skills;
3. Increase English ability; 4. Improve basic study, analysis, and presentation skills;
5. Learn from others
GRADING & ASSIGNMENTS: A+ (90~100), A (80~89), B (70~79), C (60~69), D (~59), F (1/3+ absences)
1. Participation & effort: 25 points, 2. Preparation & assignments: 25 points
2. Portfolio report: 25 points, 4. Portfolio presentation: 25 points
Date & Assignments:
1. Re-intros, Syllabus, Organizing files, transcription practice
2. Model report review, Sharing progress, Organizing report sections and data sources
3. Sharing progress, Organizing report sections and data sources
4. Sharing progress, Drafting report outline and data sources
5. Sharing progress, Sharing report outline
6. Sharing progress, Sharing report section 1, Title to SCIS office (May 4th Fri)
7. Sharing progress, Sharing report section 2
8. Sharing progress, Sharing report section 3
9. Sharing progress, Sharing report intro/conclusion
10. Sharing progress, Sharing abstract
11. Sharing complete reports, Final report revision
12. Sharing progress, Complete report submission (Dec 1st Fri), Presentation intro
13. Sharing progress, Final report revision, Presentation preparation and practice
14. Sharing progress, Final report submission (Dec 3rd Fri), Final prep and practice
15. Final presentations, Final comments