Research projects

Trialling a selection of point of view (POV) camcorders (4/2011~)

Examining the benefits and limitations of a selection of POV camcorders for implementing activities, developing materials, and collecting classroom research data.

Click to go to the POV media page

GoPro classroom observation (9/2010~)

Using the POV GoPro digital camera as a tool for gathering data for materials development and research in oral communication classes.

Click to go to the POV media page

Exploring interactive feedback (4/2007~)

Developing models of interactional feedback to include affective factors.

Click to view a paper on interactional feedback

Designing and implementing recursive procedures (4/2003~)

Exploring the effectiveness of recursive tools and procedures—such as conversation cards, modeling, and conversation strategies—in freshman oral communication tutorials.

Click to go to the TIPS homepage

Click to view a paper detailing the development of recursive procedures

Modeling student engagement dynamics (4/2000~)

Building a model of internal and external factors influencing longitudinal changes in student engagement propensities.

Click here to view a paper presenting a model of student propensity dynamics

Developing recording and evaluation procedures (4/1998~)

Employing recorders (analog initially and currently digital) to capture student production for subsequent examination.

Click to go to the RCSE page

Teaching conversation strategies (4/1998~)

Building student strategic competence through the use of select conversation strategies.

Click to go to the TIPS homepage